Mark your calendars for the Southeast Polk Education Foundation  2023 Rams Classic 4 Person Scramble Golf Tournament!

September 29, 2023, at Toad Valley Golf Course

You have 2 ways to register as a participant or a sponsor

  1. Click on the appropriate button on this page to use Paypal
  2. Go to the bottom of the page for a printable version of the form to complete and mail in by Sept. 13

Classic final form Page1
Classic final form Page2

Single Golfer, $95

Foursome, $370

Alumni Sponsor, $50

Hole Sponsor, $200

Beverage Cart Sponsor, $500 (2 available)

Silver Sponsor, $700

Gold Sponsor, $1,000

Platinum Sponsor, $1,500

Lunch Sponsor, $1,500

Dinner Sponsor, $2,000

Clubhouse Sponsor, $5,000

Don’t forget your gear!  Order here by clicking on the Buy Now button under the item you want to order!

Men's Nike Shirt, Black

Women's Nike Shirt, Black

Men's Travis Mathew Golf Shirt, Gray

Women's Travis Mathew Shirt, Gray

Travis Mathew Fitted Cap