We all have a story regarding our lives.  People closest to us know that story.  It’s why they are close..  It’s why we depend on them.  They are the ones who lend their shoulders and their smiles are wide when we share our joys.  The 2017-2018 “theme” is the title of this article!

To begin the year, teachers will be sharing a part of their story with students and their families.  At Backpack Night, we will ask students to share their story with us.  You and your student will be given a sample with suggestions, but will be able to provide the student’s story in a format of your own choosing.  This is a sample of how your story might sound…


My hopes and dreams include:  finding ways to assist teachers in helping students achieve success in school;  still making my family proud of me;  heading into each day with the same feelings I had as a new teacher;  visiting every continent (still having Antarctica, and Africa to see!);  continual learning – academically now, but more on a personal level later;  and re-connecting with people who have touched my life.

Conversations and notes from family and friends touch my heart.  I find it hard to toss the notes and find myself with tears at times remembering words of friendship and love.  The success of others touches my heart.  Words of favorite hymns can touch my heart and make me cry.  Photos of friends, including staff, with their children or grandchildren touch my heart.  When students share proud moments of growth, learning, or something about their own family, it touches my heart.  Oftentimes, poetry touches my heart.

Silly moments bring me joy!  My family brings me joy!  Staff collaboration brings me joy!  Singing and dancing bring me joy!  Funny photos bring me joy!  Mis-spoken words bring me joy!  To show kindness to others brings me joy!  Learning something new brings me joy!  Trying, making, sharing, and eating new foods brings me joy!  Learning new words brings me joy!  Reading a good book brings me joy and sharing it with others doubles the joy!

These are some of the things that weave the fabric of my life, such as Lois A. Cheney describes in her poem, “BITS and PIECES..”

The 1718 season opener of…

THIS IS US – Wonders of Willowbrook:  Our Story – WOW.!

begins 23 August.  Come play a starring role in the daily episodes and help write the story of our year together