Students, Parents, and Guardians:
The spring parent-teacher conferences for both junior high and high school students are scheduled for Monday, March 7, from 4:00-8:00 pm and on Wednesday, March 9, from 12:30-7:30 pm. This spring parent-teacher conferences will follow the same format as we had during the fall utilizing the website to schedule both in-person and virtual conferences via Zoom. The junior high and high school are again coordinating this joint event. This screencast video captures the process parents/guardians will need to follow to register for conferences and schedule your meetings with teachers. We will open the event at 8:00am on Wednesday, February 23, for families to schedule their conferences by clicking this link and entering this event code, na38h.
Parents/guardians will have the option to schedule either an in-person or virtual conference with teachers. Conferences will be scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis. It may not be possible to meet with all teachers, especially if a parent/guardian has multiple children. We are setting up the conference sessions for every 10 minutes, but we are limiting each conference to eight minutes. This will allow our staff to have a few minutes to transition to the next parent-teacher conference (in-person or virtual).
After a parent/guardian books his/her conference sessions, a confirmation email will be sent, which will include a detailed list of the parent/guardian’s schedule for conferences. In-person meeting locations and all virtual meeting links will be included within this confirmation email. In order to stay on schedule, we request that all parents/guardians who have scheduled virtual meetings to join their meeting one minute prior to the scheduled start time. When the teacher is ready for the conference, they will grant access to the parent/guardian who is waiting in the virtual ‘waiting room’. If in-person conferences were requested, then the parent/guardian should arrive at the meeting location a few minutes prior to the scheduled start time as well. Please wait outside of this location until the teacher invites you into the room as this will preserve the previous families’ scheduled conference.
The Junior High bell schedule for Wednesday, March 9, can be found here. The high school will follow the shortened odd-period bell schedule found below:
1st period, 7:50 – 8:41
3rd period, 8:46 – 9:37
5th period, 9:42 – 10:33
7th period, 10:38 – 11:30 (approximate arrival time for buses)
Our teachers look forward to conducting conferences with parents/guardians in a few weeks. As always, please reach out to your children’s teachers at any time with questions or concerns about their progress in class. Counselors and administrators are also available to assist you.
Take care,
Stephen Pettit Mike Dailey Principal, Southeast Polk High School Principal, Southeast Polk Junior High